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Hydraulic Shears

U.S. Industrial Machinery offers a great selection of manual and CNC hydraulic shears ranging from ¼” mild steel capacity to ¾” mild capacity.  Standard shear machines in our inventory are available in lengths ranging from 6′ to 13′, and we can build to order shears requiring increased capacity upon request. Contact us for a quote or to learn more about custom-built machines.

CNC Controlled Hydraulic Shear Features

Our CNC-controlled hydraulic shears automate many of the features available in the manual machines for increased precision and control. What’s great about this equipment is it can also be controlled manually when the situation calls for it. These versatile machines offer exceptional speed and accuracy and the ability to design and save your own cutting programs. Each program accepts 20 steps, and users can store up to 200 programs at one time. Automated features include:

  • Setting back-gauge position
  • Setting stroke length and blade gap
  • Custom cutting program storage

Manual Controlled Hydraulic Shears

Our manual control hydraulic shears offer easy configuration to cut materials of varying thickness with stroke length adjustments as well. Other standard features include:

  • Motorized front-operated power back-gauge with digital and mechanical readouts
  • Fine adjustment handwheel
  • Back-gauge adjustment range from ½” to 36”
  • A swing-up mechanism for cut depths larger than 36″

Find Hydraulic Shears at U.S. Industrial Machinery

U.S. Industrial Machinery can accommodate all kinds of custom machine requests to handle your unique jobs in addition to what we have in our standard inventory. All hydraulic shears feature quick blade gap adjustment, support arms on the front of the machine, transfer tables for easily handling materials, and a foot pedal operation with an emergency stop. Our machines come with a standard 3’ squaring arm, but we offer larger squaring arms in 6′, 8′, and 10′ lengths upon request. Choose your wiring preference for 220 volts, 3-phase or 440 volts, 3-phase power. Contact us for a machine quote today.

Guillotine stye shears are available upon request. Please reach to a member of our sales team for further information or to make a special order.



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