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High-Performance Milling Machines

U.S. Industrial Machinery’s line of milling machines offers a ton of user flexibility to make precision cuts for beautiful finished work. At our Memphis, Tennessee facility we complete the assembly, calibrate, test, and perform cosmetic upgrades of all in-coming machinery to ensure sturdy, functional pieces of equipment that can be put to the test of the most demanding jobs. All equipment comes with a one-year part and labor warranty, and our technical support is always available to help you troubleshoot any user problems. Contact us for a milling machine quote today.


Standard Features on U.S. Industrial Machinery Mills

Our line of milling machines features three standard models that offer the best in drilling, boring, and cutting of your materials. Choose from the manual variable speed mill, the heavy-duty manual variable speed mill, or the heavy-duty electronic variable speed mill. Each comes with the following features:

  • Sino 3-Axis digital readout inch or metric
  • Flood coolant and chip pan
  • Power table feed
  • Power quill feed
  • Machine light
  • Enclosed electrical cabinet
  • Circuit breaker protection
  • Low voltage controls

Contact Us for a Quote on Milling Machines

U.S. Industrial Machinery services businesses of all sizes throughout the country. We are committed to offering a higher level of customer service than other machine sales companies. We prove this by providing customer support for the life of our products when most others do not. Our reputation has earned us the business of many nationally recognized operations, including Sunoco, Toyota, Honda, Ford, and NASA. Don’t see a mill in our inventory that will meet your needs? Contact us to discuss custom-built equipment. We can provide a milling machine to perform every service.


Quote PDFs By Model
Table Size - 3 t-slots, 5/8" on 2.5" centers2VH-39" x 49" 3VH-310" x 54"3EVH-510" x 54"
Table Travel w/ Powerfeed Installed 2VH-329"3VH-334.4"3EVH-534.4"
Cross Travel w/ Readout Installed2VH-311"3VH-315.5"3EVH-515.5"
Knee Travel2VH-315.74"3VH-316.5"3EVH-516.5"
Ram Travel 2VH-312"3VH-318.5"3EVH-518.5"
Quill Travel 2VH-35"3VH-35"3EVH-55"
Power quill feed - .0018, .003, .006 IPR2VH-3Yes3VH-3Yes3EVH-5Yes
Head Tilt - Left and Right - With Degree Scale 2VH-3 90 degrees3VH-3 90 degrees3EVH-5 90 degrees
Head Tilt - Front and Back - With Degree Scale 2VH-345 degrees3VH-345 degrees3EVH-545 degrees
Ram Swivel on Turret - With Degree Scale 2VH-3360 degrees3VH-3360 degrees3EVH-5360 degrees
Spindle Taper 2VH-3R83VH-3R83EVH-5R8
Machine Ways, Table, Cross and Knee 2VH-3Dovetail3VH-3Box3EVH-5Box
Maximum Weight of Workpiece and Fixture 2VH-3500 lbs.3VH-3 660 lbs.3EVH-5 660 lbs.
Electrical Cabinet with Disconnect & Circuit Breakers 2VH-3Yes3VH-3Yes3EVH-5Yes
Spindle Drive 2VH-33HP3VH-33HP3EVH-55HP
Vari-Speeds Spindle RPM Range 2VH-360 to 4200 3VH-360 to 4200 3EVH-560 to 3750
Voltage, 3 Phase 2VH-3220 or 4403VH-3220 or 4403EVH-5220 / Option 440
Amp Requirement @ 220 Volts2VH-3103VH-3153EVH-515
Machine Weight 2VH-32550 lbs.3VH-3 3400 lbs.3EVH-5 3400 lbs.
Shipping Dimension - L x W x H on skid 2VH-36' x 6' x 80"3VH-36' x 6' x 80"3EVH-56' x 6' x 80"
Includes Schneider Electronic Spindle Drive 2VH-3No3VH-3No3EVH-5Yes
Includes Manual Variable Speed Spindle 2VH-3Yes3VH-3Yes3EVH-5Electronic
Includes Heavy Duty Power Table Feed 2VH-3Yes3VH-3Yes3EVH-5Yes
Includes Flood Coolant System 2VH-3Yes3VH-3Yes3EVH-5Yes
Includes Base Chip Pan 2VH-3Yes3VH-3Yes3EVH-5Yes
Includes Machine Light 2VH-3Yes3VH-3Yes3EVH-5Yes
Includes Front & Rear Way Covers 2VH-3Yes3VH-3Yes3EVH-5Yes
Includes SINO 3-Axis Digital Readout, inch/metric 2VH-3Yes3VH-3Yes3EVH-5Yes
100% Inspection, Calibration Prior to Shipping 2VH-3Yes3VH-3Yes3EVH-5Yes
Price, F.O.B. Memphis, TN2VH-3$13,990.003VH-3$16,990.003EVH-5$18,990.00

Contact Us for a Quote