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Hydraulic Press Brakes

At U.S. Industrial Machinery, we carry a wide variety of hydraulic press brake models to meet the unique needs of the various businesses we serve throughout the country. Our press brakes range in size from 22 tons to 440 tons and bed lengths from 4’ to 13’ with CNC or manual controls. In addition to our standard inventory, we can accommodate custom orders for specialty length requests and tonnage. All of our press brakes include safety devices and a rear safety cage that disables the machine when opened for easy and secure maintenance. All electrical components use industry-standard parts, which are readily available in our Memphis, TN warehouse. Download a pdf for more details on each model.

press brake

CNC Control Press Brake Features

Our CNC control hydraulic press brakes offer users the ability to tackle any project with precision, speed, and volume. These machines can handle the most demanding jobs with impeccable details. The capability to use a removable USB drive means that additional program storage is virtually limitless. Other key features include:

  • 6” LCD touchscreen to control the bend angle and back-gauge position
  • 10 bends per program or cross-section
  • Up to 20 punch library and up to 50 die library
  • Auto bend sequence
  • Auto back-gauge retract
  • Spread length
  • Interference bend chart
  • Calculated bend allowance
  • Programmable ram dwell
  • And more
press brake manual

Manual Control Press Brakes

For industries and jobs that don’t require the detail and precision achieved with CNC controls, our manual control press brakes offer ease of use when you’re looking to keep things simple. The manual press brakes have all the same safety features of the CNC models, manual press brakes are powerful machines that are easy to get started on and great for more straightforward jobs. They include a front-operated power back-gauge and ram adjust with digital readouts and fine adjustment handwheels for both. Our models range from 22 tons to 440 tons.


Whether you need the precision and detail of computer-controlled measurements or you want to keep it simple with no-nonsense bends, U.S. Industrial Machinery offers two great options for hydraulic press brakes in various sizes, all at affordable prices. Contact our team to get a quote on a machine today.

For machine specifications and pricing, please click the below links.

The video below provides a detailed overview of our U.S. Industrial Hydraulic Press Brakes.



Contact Us for a Quote